Monday, July 30, 2018

Mental health matters???

Something I have struggled with for a good part of 15 years least. There has always been in an elephant in the room. In particular where everyone knows yet still reframe from asking if its depression or a sense of avoidance because we know. simply no body talks enough about it instead we just say we are "fine". I have now decided to be proactive with this illness talk about I openly

In hope to reduce stigma, create awareness of darker days with how we can openly talk without judgement. To respect those that do decide to judge as everyone has an opinion. after all its in our "head" the irony here it isn't anywhere else. The brain is a widely opened computer there for we must take care.

Firstly its not your fault you have the mind you have it allows us to do things, experience things, see, hear and create talents. sometimes its best we accept this as the fact of life. We do however have choices, by choices I mean what we say, what we do the decisions we make towards others. I find accepting that we all have something "mentally wrong" with us is ok.  acceptance is key to help take that little bit of pressure off. We are not perfect and we will make mistakes reprimanding someone doesn't fix the issues. it doesn't change the past. nor does it allow us to recover. choose to be kind first, correct someone if they have made  mistake put them on the right path. There are things we can control.

Everyone is searching for that quick fix yet has done no personal development work wonders why they don't care about important things like love, happiness and creating friendships that last a lifetime. always searching for the next new thing, holiday or even the house. Yet question why they have anxiety??

depression is defined as "feelings of severe despondency and dejection". So if this were true why do we have it how is it an illness. well if someone says unkind things you believe it over time that is. if you experience a trauma it sticks, then the triggers happen. reminder of what was which is where we live in the past. By choosing the present moments you get to focus, experience and rationalise what the situation is. without the need for time travelling.

Writing about my mental health has been the hardest yet most rewarding thing I have done ever. I have recently started reaching out to those that have hurt me and in turn that I have hurt. Forgiveness gives less baggage to carry makes that load lighter.

On a more positive note fuck the people who are jealous their problem not yours, stop saying yes to everything and then playing the I don't have enough time card continue to be kind to you. you'll thank me in the end.
love happiness peace