Saturday, August 11, 2018


One day you can be fine the next day your world comes crumbling down, its like a living walking nightmare. The smallest of things tip you off hot flushes, shaking uncontrollably. life is tough but the flash backs make it worse it's equivalent to time travelling the smallest of triggers takes you right back to where you don't want to be. I don't believe the scars go away but acceptance is huge in the recovery stages.which can at least bring some peace and light at the darkest points.

Having suffered several traumatic events in my life, you have the feeling of self doubt, self deprecating thoughts as well as suicidal. What keeps me going is knowing they are thoughts but they will pass eventually. it is important I rest but the cycle doesn't stop so self management and care goes a long way. looking after my general well being and health there are days where I can't move. its debilitating. However I have avoided for so long handling these issues and it is only now I'm ready to become full accountable for my thoughts whilst taking back control over my life. People have referred to me as a tree hugger, woo woo and nuts. However the alternative is much scarier and will ultimately lead to a suicide of some description.

part of the work I have done is affirmations....
I am....
I will....
I can...
I love...
I feel...
I have...

Finally I am enough I am here I will manage I can overcome my trauma I love my friends and family I feel complete I have a life.

It's a journey whilst we are all suffering we don't have to suffer in silence nor should we I believe the more we talk and open up the better we will be as humans. 1/4 people suffer so the next time you are at work, or socialising practice kindness its the only act that can go along way.

I will post more on PTSD once I am more confident discussing it I'd like to talk about particular flash backs. how to cope when it happens whilst looking after our mental health in general without exhausting ourselves to burn out.

peace & love


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