Monday, August 27, 2018

Why willingness alone won't help change......

Having willingness is a great start but its simply not enough, I hate change as I'm sure most people do. It involves doing something different, it involves looking at your inner self and looking at you inside and out. So why do we want to change? For me I was sick of doing the same stuff and not moving forwards. I was sick of being sick and tired, I wanted more for myself I still want a different outcome for my future. Sadly this involves change, I meditated deeply whilst heavily burnt out. 

This involved the following
Reflection (mirror work)
Grip work 

This list is not exhaustive, this is not my own work I have spoken to many coaches and been well supported my gratitude goes to those that have had the pleasure to work with me. we have had ups and downs but we have got me to bounce back each time. The process always starts from the beginning. When we fall down my coaches taught me how to get back up. This wasn't by a willingness this was done by using why I wanted to change in the first place. It doesn't matter who you choose to work with but it does matter on your why. 

"Developing a strong mind will allow you to develop a strong life". 
So how do you change?
small steps everyday....
One step at a time, grow these into seconds, minutes, hours, then daily finally you then start developing plans which in turn ends up being goals. 

A coach and family friend once said don't worry if you have no goals right now they will come later, he was right not that matters but it has taught me to build and rebuild over again when I need to and to challenge the things that have a direct impact on my future. 

I didn't just quit my sport I took myself away from a toxic environment to those I still make contact with I feel truly blessed as you have individually contributed to my success. to those that aren't I'm not sorry it just means we have gone down different pathways. 

I am now in the process of building towards my passions and focussing my energies on those things that are important to me. You can't change until you realise change needs to happen. Stop looking/searching but instead make you your only goal. appreciate what you do have instead of what you don't. 

Allow yourself to be set free and not being trapped in our beautiful mind as that is when creativity really happens. Everyone at some point has to work on themselves. use the time wisely as tomorrow is never guaranteed. 

love, peace and strength

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